Take the next step in discovering your place, purpose and people here at Rhema Bible Church.
New Believer
Have you recently prayed the salvation prayer? That’s awesome news! The whole of heaven is rejoicing over you. We would love to connect and journey with you! Please click the button below.
Discover Rhema
Thinking about making Rhema Bible Church your home? Attend Discover Rhema, where you can learn more about the heart and people behind our vision, meet our pastors, and connect with others over a delicious meal.
Discover Purpose
Our Discover Purpose Course is a guide to help you discover your purpose in the house of God and live the life He created you for. Registration is essential.
Discover People
Life is not meant to be lived alone. Whether it’s meeting at church, in a house, online, or at a coffee shop, our Connect Groups offer a safe space for people to discuss the Word, grow spiritually together, encourage each other through life, and openly share our personal experiences. Find your people, join a Connect Group.
Water Baptism
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour and would like to make a public declaration of that decision, that’s amazing! We encourage you to get water baptised at Rhema Bible Church when we have baptisms next.